Something magical is coming soon
GOOD THINGS ARE COMING We are making some changes to this page and before you know it, will be sharing
Women are cyclical beings and are filled with an innate cyclical wisdom.
I’m Alex McDonald founder of Sukha – and I’m here to welcome you back home to yourself. This is the place to help you navigate through the different lifestages of womanhood from menstrual health through to menopause.
Offering practical tools, tips and rituals that guide you back towards your wisdom, help you find your sense of joy and purpose and access more magic in your daily life.
Sukha is a Sanskrit word meaning contentment, ease and joy – qualities many of us would like to cultivate more of in our fast paced, often hectic lives. I have brought together a collection of offerings to serve women throughout every stage of life. Combing ancient Philosophy with modern day science and making sure everything can be easily and practically applied in your day to day life.
Whatever life stage you’re in, I offer guidance to support women through menstrual cycle health, fertility, pregnancy, birth, post partum and peri-menopause with practices and rituals that are deeply nourishing and comforting for the female body and spirit.
GOOD THINGS ARE COMING We are making some changes to this page and before you know it, will be sharing
“Let the water settle and you’ll see the moon and stars mirrored in your being”
“At first bleed a woman meets her power. During her bleeding years she practices it.