“From beyond the skies and stars, the echo arrived inside you, and started to pulse with life”

 – Benedictus by John O’Donohue  


What a sacred time this is as you nurture and nourish the new life growing inside you.

Pregnancy comes with many gifts but let’s be real, it can also be a challenging time to navigate with so many hormonal, physical and emotional changes happening daily. 

Our pregnancy yoga classes are designed to nourish you and your baby during this special state of health that is pregnancy.

Classes involve gentle and soothing rhythmic movement, breath work and importantly rest. The intention is to create a space of celebration and joy while also giving you the time to connect with your baby and develop the confidence, self-trust and key skills to help with birthing and mothering.


What to expect in a pregnancy yoga session

Classes will provide a safe and secure environment for you to explore movement in a way that feels really good in your body, tailored to your stage of pregnancy and what is happening for you at that time.

We’ll work with both therapeutic movement to keep you healthy and strong and deeply relaxing rest practices where you can fully relax and let go into the support and trust of your body and baby.

The first session is 90 mins, follow up sessions are 60 or 75 mins.

A typical pregnancy yoga session involves

  • An open, warm and supportive space for you to show up exactly as you are
  • Connection with your baby
  • Sharing tools and insights for optimal pregnancy self-care
  • Gentle and soothing rhythmic movement and breath work
  • Rest
  • Opportunities to deeply listen and trust the wisdom of your body and baby to better prepare you for birth and mothering

You will leave each session with an understanding and embodied experience of a range of tools that when practiced regularly can help to support your pregnancy journey and nourish your body and baby.


♥ Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me